Report of the Expert Meeting on Hydrological Data for Global Observing Systems

Global Terrestrial Observing System

(Geneva, Switzerland, 29 April - 1 May, 1996)

September 1996

GCOS - 27
GTOS - 2

(WMO/TD No.772)

Administrative Report

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

I. Opening of the Session

II. Introduction to GCOS and GTOS

III. Presentation of Relevant Programmes

IV. Discussion of Needs of GCOS and GTOS for Hydrological Observations

V. Assembling Hydrological Data Sets at Regional and International Levels

VI. Development of a Set of Criteria for Network and Site Selection

VII. Definition of a Preliminary Network of Stations (Initial Operational System)

VIII. Future Action

IX. Closure

Annex 1: List of Participants

Annex 2: Agenda

Annex 3: Presentations under Agenda Items I to III

Annex 4: Sampling Based on the Tier Concept

Annex 5: Hydrological Data in Global Climate and Terrestrial Observing Systems

Annex 6: Global Hydrological Databases

Annex 7: Questionnaire Covering Items 4 to 7 of the Agenda

Annex 8: Requirements on Hydrological Data for Global Observing System